New campaign encourages LGBTIQA+ people to run for parliament in Victoria Victorian to ban religious schools from firing staff for being LGBT Political parties need to push for more queer people in public office Victoria to decriminalise sex work All-gender bathrooms proposed for Victorian workplaces and footy ovals Pride Lobby moves to ban police from Melbourne Midsumma march Victoria to strengthen laws to protect LGBT community from hate Petition calls for Australian government action on Chechnya’s ‘gay purge Victoria records spike in gay hate crimes in 2020 Melbourne’s Mardi Gras street mural vandalised No disciplinary action against police following Hares & Hyenas raid Banyule tops Equality Index Survey of Victoria's LGBTIQ+ community reveals distrust in police ‘I feel unsafe’: Most LGBTIQ+ Victorians don’t trust police, new report finds LGBT survey reveals high police distrust Campaign Launched To Get More Out LGBT MPs Elected To Victorian Parliament 'Offensive and outdated': LGBTIQA+ Australians seek insurance reform Record 68 Of 79 Local Councils In Victoria Fly Rainbow Flag To Mark IDAHOBIT All-gender bathrooms proposed for Victorian workplaces and footy ovals